Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Choosing The Right Homeschool Curriculum For You

By Patty Longman

Increasing budget cuts have more parents opting to homeschool their kids. It used to be very rare for a child to be homeschooled but more families are choosing this option. Studies done on homeschooled children show that they perform better on tests and at college, and are better able to work independently. These studies have also shown stronger family bonds in children who were homeschooled. As good as all this is, however, deciding to homeschool your kids is just the first step in the process. You also need to choose a curriculum. The following are some tips to keep in mind when searching for the best curriculum.

Before you buy anything, you need to know the federal regulations for K-12 education. Be aware that there are some federal rules to follow even though the majority of regulations is determined by the state. You need to be sure that any curriculum you choose meets these requirements so make sure you understand them. Information on the current regulations can be obtained through your local board of education or the Department of Education.

The standardized test that are sent out by the government and state are still required for your homeschooled kids. In "traditional" schools, there are days set aside for these tests every year. Your local school board will be able to tell you if you can proctor these exams at home or if your children will need to take them in a "traditional classroom". There might even be days when local homeschooled kids are required to take the test together. Your local school board will be your best resource in determining how to approach these yearly standardized tests.

Sometimes one of the best approaches to choosing your own homeschooling curriculum is to invest in boxed sets for different lessons. The boxed sets can allow you to form a structure for your day and your lesson plans. When you need to figure out your technique for a particular unit or lesson plan, the will be helpful because they often times comes with books and teaching materials to help you. A good thing about the boxed set is that you don't have to put every item to use-you can pick and choose if you think your ideas are better. Additionally, you don't have to rely exclusively on the boxed set for your curriculum-you can decide on areas that you don't already have curriculum in place.

The reasons for deciding to homeschool your kids are numerous. Perhaps you don't like the way your public schools are run. Maybe the cost of private school is too expensive. Or the studies that show homeschooled kids do better later on in life persuaded you. Choosing the best homeschool curriculum for you and your kids is what's important, not your reasons for homeschooling. Your choice in curriculum is quite possibly the most important factor to their success. You can rest assured that you are choosing the best homeschool curriculum when you know more about the different types available.

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